Find out about applying for an occupational diving Certificate of Competence (CoC).

If you work underwater as a diver breathing compressed gas from any source then you need to apply for a CoC.

For more information, including the definition of occupational diving, see Working as an occupational diver.

Types of application 

Occupational divers can apply:

  • for a new CoC
  • to renew an existing CoC before it expires
  • for a replacement if their existing CoC has been lost or destroyed.

Note, renewal applications must be made before the expiry date of your current CoC and you can only renew the existing categories on the CoC. If you wish to renew a CoC that has expired, or add or change a category as part of your renewal, you must apply for a new CoC.

Allow plenty of time to gather all your supporting evidence and for us to process your application.

If you are applying for any of these CoCs, you can use our online forms

  • The forms make it easier for you to complete your application form and upload all supporting documentation.
  • You will be able to track the progress of your application, including saving it and coming back to it, if you need to.

If you are unable to use the online form, you can still use the PDF form and email or post it to us.


What you are required to provide

To apply for a new CoC or to renew your current CoC we will need the following information. Note, you must apply for a renewal before the expiry date of your current CoC and you can only renew the existing categories on the CoC.

If you wish to add or change a category as part of your renewal you must apply for a new CoC.

Allow plenty of time to get your medical clearance and gather all your supporting information.

  • Your personal contact details plus a passport type photo.
  • A current Diving Hyperbaric Medical Service (DHMS) dive medical clearance certificate. For more information see below.
  • Confirm each CoC category you are applying for, including:
    • qualification details relevant to each category
    • recent diving experience details for each category.
    • Note, you cannot add or change categories if you are renewing a CoC.
  • Details of any diving training completed in the last 2 years. This could include first aid, CPR, O2 admin, HUET, u/w welding, Chamber/LST, Supervisor or other occupational diving-related training.
  • Your employer's name (if this applies to you).
  • Contact details and a reference letter from 1 professional referee.
  • A good character and reputation declaration.

How to get a DHMS dive medical clearance certificate:

To get a DHMS medical clearance certificate you must complete:

  • a dive medical examination by a designated diving doctor, and
  • an occupational diver medical assessment questionnaire

and send them both (with the relevant fee) to the Diving Hyperbaric Medical Service (DHMS).

The DHMS will assess your request and, if it is acceptable, issue the clearance certificate.

For more information and links to medical application forms, see our working as an occupational diver page. 

If you are applying for a new CoC, or to renew your CoC, you can use our online forms.

What documents you need to include in your application

You may only apply to replace your existing CoC if the original is lost or destroyed.

What you are required to provide 

  • Confirm each CoC category you currently hold.
  • Your personal and contact details plus an optional passport type photo.
  • A good character and reputation declaration.

 If you are applying to replace your existing CoC, you can use our online form.

We will evaluate your application based on the details provided and the required documentation, including:

  • the qualifications for each CoC category applied for
  • logs for at least 12 dives (completed within the last 2 years), which clearly demonstrate your diving experience and how it is suitable for the categories of diving you are applying for 
  • recent training completed in the last 2 years. This can be confirmed by your qualifications if these were completed in the last 2 years. Examples include dive courses, first aid, CPR, O2 admin, HUET, u/w welding, Chamber/LST, Supervisor or other occupational diving-related training.

For all documents and files supporting your application we ask you to try to keep the items legible to read while keeping the file size reasonable.

Note, we have a restriction of a maximum file size of 10 Mb for each file and a total combined file size of 14.5 Mb.  .pdf, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .heic, .heif, .csv, .xls and .xlsx file types are supported. 

If you can’t keep your files under these sizes you can send these to us separately via email ( or post (PO Box 165, Wellington 6140) after submitting your application.

Personal photo requirements

Your photo must be:

  • a portrait photo with a 4:3 aspect ratio, or 3:4 on a smartphone
  • in colour
  • saved in .jpg or .jpeg, or .png format
  • between 250KB and 10MB
  • between 900 and 4500 pixels wide, and 1200 and 6000 pixels high.

Category documentation

You need to provide us this information if you are applying for a new CoC, or renewing or adding categories to your existing CoC.


  • PADI, SDI, SSI or equivalent accreditation as a Rescue Diver


ADAS, HSE or equivalent occupational SCUBA. 

  • Aquaculture training


Supervised Aquaculture industry experience. 

  • Aquaculture dive logs in the last 2 years.

Construction Part 1 - SCUBA to 30 metres

  • ADAS, HSE, IMCA Part 1 SCUBA or equivalent accreditation


If you do not have recent SCUBA experience we will accept a Proof of Competency assessment and a Letter of Competence by an appropriately qualified ADAS or IMCA supervisor attesting that you possess the right level of competency, in accordance with the ADAS continued proficiency requirements.(external link)

Any such assessment needs to include SCUBA Part 1 requirements and be undertaken by a qualified Part 1 Trainer, Assessor or Supervisor and include Part 1 SCUBA dives. 

Construction Part 2 - SSBA to 30 metres including underwater tools and equipment AND 

Construction Part 2 - (Restricted) SSBA to 30 metres where underwater tools and equipment are not required.

  • ADAS, HSE, IMCA, SSBA  or equivalent accreditation.
  • Your SSBA dive logs to 30m in the last 2 years


If you do not have recent SCUBA experience we will accept a Proof of Competency assessment and a Letter of Competence by an appropriately qualified ADAS or IMCA supervisor attesting that you possess the right level of competency, in accordance with the ADAS continued proficiency requirements.(external link)

For Construction Part 2 - Any such assessment needs to include SSBA Part 2 requirements and be undertaken by a qualified Part 2 Trainer, Assessor or Supervisor and include Part 2 SSBA dives. 

For Construction Part 2 (Restricted) - Any such assessment needs to include SSBA Part 2(R) requirements and be undertaken by a qualified Part 2 Trainer, Assessor or Supervisor and include Part 2(R) SSBA dives. 

Construction Part 3 - SSBA to 50 metres and chamber operation

  • ADAS, HSE, IMCA SSBA to 50 metres, or equivalent accreditation. 
  • SSBA dive logs to 50 metres or doing decompression and chamber dives in the last 2 years 


SSBA dive logs working in Offshore Oil & Gas Platforms in the last 2 years 


If you do not have recent SSBA Part 3 experience then we will accept logged Part 2 dives and if you do not have recent SCUBA experience we will accept a Proof of Competency assessment and a Letter of Competence by an appropriately qualified ADAS or IMCA supervisor attesting that you possess the right level of competency, in accordance with the ADAS continued proficiency requirements(external link)

Any such assessment needs to include SSBA Part 3 requirements and be undertaken by a qualified Part 3 Trainer, Assessor or Supervisor and include Part 3 SSBA dives. 

Construction Part 4 - Bell diving

  • ADAS, HSE, IMCA Closed Bell or Saturation or equivalent accreditation.  
  • Bell and Saturation Diving in the last 2 years 


SSBA dive logs working in the Offshore Oil & Gas Platforms in the last 2 years PLUS Closed Bell/Saturation Diving in the last 5 years. 

Film and Photographic

  • PADI, SDI, SSI or equivalent accreditation as a Rescue Diver


ADAS, HSE or equivalent occupational SCUBA.  

  • Dive logs for film and photographic industry diving in the last 2 years, or dive logs showing experience suitable for this category. 
  • Letter of support from a Film & Media Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) or industry accredited supervisor. 


  • PADI, SDI, SSI or equivalent accreditation as a dive leader (DiveMaster or instructor).
  • Dive logs for dive leader or instructor  or diving under training at these levels, in the last 2 years.



ADAS, HSE or equivalent occupational SCUBA.  

  • Letter of authorisation as a scientific diver from a recognised scientific organisation. 
  • Dive logs of scientific diving in the last 2 years, or dive logs showing experience suitable for this category. 


  • PADI, SDI, SSI or equivalent accreditation as a rescue diver.
  • Dive logs of tourism diving in the last 2 years or dive logs showing experience suitable for this category.


When you submit your application you will be sent an email from us that includes payment details.

The non-refundable payment fee is based on the application type you are applying for.

  • New CoC - NZD $92.00 including GST. 
  • Renewal of an existing CoC - NZD $57.50 including GST (renewals are on a 5-yearly basis).
  • Replacement of an existing CoC - NZD $57.50 including GST.

We will begin processing your application once we have received payment and all required documentation.

You can make your payment by internet banking using the details provided or over the counter at any Westpac branch. You will also receive a tax invoice confirming these details.

Make sure you include your reference number, or we will be unable to match your payment with your application.  

Note: WorkSafe offices do not take payment directly.  


Application forms

To apply for a new CoC, to renew or to replace your existing CoC, use our online form.

Note, to access the form you will be asked to register for our online system. To do this you need a RealMe login. It does not matter if you do not currently have a RealMe login – the registration process will guide you through setting one up.

Start a CoC application(external link)

If you are unable to apply using the online form, download the PDF form below.

Application for diving certificate of competency (PDF 275 KB)

Once you have completed the PDF form send it and your required documentation to

What happens after you apply?

We aim to process applications within 20 working days of receiving a complete application and receipt of your payment. This time frame reflects our standard processing time and may not include any additional time to request further evidence. 

If we approve your application, you will be sent a confirmation email and then approximately 2 weeks later the CoC card will be sent to your postal address. 

 If there is further information or clarification required about your CoC application we will be in touch with you by email or phone. 

Any questions should be directed to