Use this form to notify us of intended blasting of Class 1 substances under the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 for mines, tunnels, and quarries.

You can use this form to notify for up to a 12 month period or for each blasting activity. 

Note: If you need to notify us of blasting activity not related to mines, tunnels or quarries, please use our particular hazardous works form

Site and operator details
Example: 35.126456; 174.12456
Appointed manager's details
Please enter only numbers without spaces.
Does the appointed manager understand the requirements set in Section 9.22-9.30 of the Hazardous Substances Regulations?
Details of the blasting contractor conducting the blasting
Is the person conducting the blasting a Certified Handler?

The person conducting the blasting must hold an Certified Handler certificate that has an endorsement for use of class 1 substances. 

For more information see our Certified Handler website page

Blasting details
Description of blasting operation
If the blasting is occurring on a regular basis, how frequently is it being done?