Musculoskeletal health risk management: WorkSafe 2021–2024 (PDF 678 KB)
TYPE: ReportTOPIC: Ergonomics, Manual handling, Work-related health
This section contains all the downloadable documents that are available on the website.
Found 2272 results
A checklist to help businesses understand their work-related musculoskeletal risks.
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) affect the lives of many New Zealanders and contribute to high numbers of workplace injury claims. There is no internationally recognised classification list and WRMSDs are not easily identified from New Zealand accident compensation data. Developing a New Zealand-based WRMSDs codes and conditions list will enable WorkSafe New Zealand to extract WRMSDs information more accurately and efficiently from such datasets.
This technical bulletin provides guidance about the work trainee divers may undertake while under direct supervision during occupational diving operations.
Good practice to help site operators identify and manage the risks associated with dispensing petrol/fuel at unattended refuelling sites.
Find a list of registered amusement devices.
Check this record for approved cylinders that have been given a WorkSafe exemption as a special cylinder.
MAC has been adapted by WorkSafe New Zealand to reflect New Zealand legislation. This version is known as the New Zealand MAC (NZMAC). The NZMAC can also help you to identify where control measures could be put in place to eliminate or minimise the risk of discomfort, pain, and injury, and prioritise which tasks should be considered first.
Only use this tool for tasks where workers are seated, and loads are handled using two hands. It will help you to identify if the task is low risk or if you need to complete a more detailed risk assessment.
This tool can help you to identify when pushing or pulling activities are low risk, or if you need to complete a more detailed risk assessment.
This privacy policy sets out the principles which are used by WorkSafe to collect, store, use, and disclose personal information.
The tank wagon record contains information about tank wagons, transportable containers, and tank wagon fabricators that have been allocated a record number.
The stationary container system design and fabricator record contains information about stationary tanks, process containers, and fabricators that have been allocated a record number and for which additional conditions may have been imposed by WorkSafe.
Check this record for gas cylinder designs approved for use, filling, and testing in New Zealand.
All cylinders imported into New Zealand must be inspected at the time of manufacture by an approved inspection agency listed on this register.
The selection process and recommended tools for use in Aotearoa New Zealand.