This section contains all the downloadable documents that are available on the website.

Found 2260 results

publications results

The New Zealand manual handling assessment charts (NZMAC) (PDF 1.9 MB)

TYPE:   Report
TOPIC:   Ergonomics, Health and safety at work, Manual handling

MAC has been adapted by WorkSafe New Zealand to reflect New Zealand legislation. This version is known as the New Zealand MAC (NZMAC). The NZMAC can also help you to identify where control measures could be put in place to eliminate or minimise the risk of discomfort, pain, and injury, and prioritise which tasks should be considered first.

978-1-99-105727-3 (online)

Tank wagon record (XLSM 444 KB)

TYPE:   Register
TOPIC:   Hazardous substances

The tank wagon record contains information about tank wagons, transportable containers, and tank wagon fabricators that have been allocated a record number.

Related pages:  

How to use the quantity-ratio sum (QRS) to work out whether a workplace requires a ‘hazardous substance location’ (HSL) or a location compliance certificate (LCC) (PDF 590 KB)

TYPE:   Quick guide
TOPIC:   Chemicals, Hazardous substances, Hazardous substances - insecticides, Health and safety at work

This guidance is for a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU). It is for PCBUs that want to work out, based on the hazardous substances they use, make or hold: whether their workplace requires a ‘hazardous substance location’ (HSL), or whether they will need a location compliance certificate (LCC).