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Tank wagon record (XLSM 442 KB)

TYPE:   Register
TOPIC:   Hazardous substances

The tank wagon record contains information about tank wagons, transportable containers, and tank wagon fabricators that have been allocated a record number.

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How to use the quantity-ratio sum (QRS) to work out whether a workplace requires a ‘hazardous substance location’ (HSL) or a location compliance certificate (LCC) (PDF 590 KB)

TYPE:   Quick guide
TOPIC:   Chemicals, Hazardous substances, Hazardous substances - insecticides, Health and safety at work

This guidance is for a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU). It is for PCBUs that want to work out, based on the hazardous substances they use, make or hold: whether their workplace requires a ‘hazardous substance location’ (HSL), or whether they will need a location compliance certificate (LCC).