This document sets out the policy and process to be followed for renewal of membership on the Register of Examiners (the Register).


The notice of requirements for granting certificates of competence is set out in the New Zealand Gazette Notice, 153 of 18 December 2014. This includes the requirement for the applicant to satisfy a panel of examiners, by way of oral examination, that he or she has satisfactory knowledge of good mining practice in relevant areas.


The New Zealand Mining Board of Examiners (the Board) appoints members onto the register. The Panel of Examiners Terms of Reference specifies the term of appointment will initially be for a period of three years. The Panel of Examiners Terms of Reference states panel members must satisfy the Board that they meet the following criteria:

  • extensive practical industry experience, preferablyin more than one of the areas covered by CoCs(preference will be given to members who arecurrently employed as a manager within theextractives industry)
  • hold a relevant CoC and/or a relevant qualificationor experience
  • demonstrate understanding of work, health andsafety legislation, codes and guidelines within theNew Zealand industry.
  • excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • ability to prioritise workload and meet strict deadlines
  • understanding of and preferably experience inconducting assessments.

They must also satisfy the Board they are a fit and proper person to undertake the role.

Criteria for renewal

Unless in the last three years, a panel member has shown that they have not met one or more of the admittance to the Register criteria above, he/she will be reappointed on the following basis:

  • confirmation in writing that they wish to continueto be included on the Register
  • show that they are taking suitable steps to keepup to date in their relevant field
  • attendance at the annual panel member workshopsunless they advise in writing a valid and reasonablereason for not doing so
  • they provide a completed Fit and Proper PersonForm including a Ministry of Justice convictioncheck which is no less than three months old.


Process and procedures

The secretariat will contact the relevant panel member three months before their term is due to expire to ask them to:

  • advise in writing their interest in continuingon the register
  • provide a copy of their updated CV
  • provide a completed fit and proper form including a Ministry of Justice conviction check.

Board members will receive via email information which panel members have provided and a record of attendance at annual panel member workshops provided by the secrertariat

Membership will be approved on the basis of the criteria for renewal. Approval will be in principal until a Ministry of Justice conviction check is received.

Approval will be on achieving quorum. If agreement cannot be reached, the Board will discuss the application at the next meeting.


The ‘Panel Member Renewal Policy’ will be reviewed on a three year basis by the Secretariat to ensure its on-going effectiveness and adherence to the relevant regulations.