A PCBU who designs or constructs a tank wagon or part of a tank wagon must obtain a design compliance certificate to certify that the tank wagon or part complies with the design requirements of Part 16 of the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017.

A PCBU who designs a transportable container for manufacture and use in New Zealand must obtain a design compliance certificate to certify that the container complies with chapter 6.5 or 6.7 of the UN Model Regulations.

WorkSafe must keep a record of every design that is certified by a compliance certifier for a tank wagon and transportable container.

WorkSafe also approves fabricators for tank wagons and specifies the terms and conditions of this approval.

The tank wagon record contains information about tank wagons, transportable containers and tank wagon fabricators that have been allocated a record number.

Tank wagon record (XLSM 444 KB)

Consult the record to identify whether a tank wagon, transportable container and/or tank wagon fabricator has been recorded with WorkSafe before proceeding with the installation, repair, modification and/or alteration of a tank wagon and/or transportable container.