This page provides information and forms (applications, certificates, and notices) related to amusement devices.

What are amusement devices?

Amusement devices are defined under s.21A of the Machinery Act 1950(external link) and include fairground rides and other mechanically-powered appliances that are used for rider entertainment.

Land-borne inflatable devices such as bouncy castles, inflatable slides etc, and water-borne inflatable devices such as inflatable islands, platforms, and water balls do not meet the definition of an amusement device under s.21A of the Machinery Act 1950 and therefore are not required to be registered.

However, operators of these inflatable devices do have duties and responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015(external link)

More information can be found in our technical bulletins:

Bulletin: Land-borne inflatable device operating requirements (PDF 381 KB)
Bulletin: Requirements for operating water-borne inflatable devices (PDF 330 KB)

Registration of amusement devices

Amusement devices must be registered with WorkSafe by the device owner, after the device has been examined by an appropriate Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) or a suitable competent person, as the case may be. The device owner must also obtain a permit to operate from the local authority after erecting the amusement device, before it can be operated.

Email queries relating to registration of amusement devices to

A list of currently registered amusement devices can be found in the document below:

Amusement device register – March 2025 (PDF 120 KB)

Before you can operate an amusement device, you must obtain all of the following documentation in the order set out below:

What is required before operating an amusement device?

1. Engineer’s Examination

The device owner must first obtain a Certificate of Examination from an appropriate CPEng (with a qualification in Mechanical Engineering) or a suitable competent person (for model engineering amusement devices only) confirming that the device has been examined in accordance with the regulations and can be operated safely.

Please note that the CPEng or competent person are engaged directly by the device owner, not by WorkSafe New Zealand.

Some appropriate CPEngs are listed on the Recreation Safety Engineering Group website(external link)

Certificate of examination of amusement device (PDF 42 KB)

2. Certificate of Registration

Once a Certificate of Examination has been obtained, provide the following to WorkSafe New Zealand, PO Box 165, Wellington 6140, or email to

  • a completed Application Form for Registration of an Amusement Device, and
  • a copy of the Certificate of Examination, and
  • for all new and currently unregistered amusement devices, at least two photographs, minimum size 150 mm by 100 mm, each showing the whole of the device and taken from different positions, and
  • payment of the prescribed fee of $34.50.

WorkSafe aims to process all applications within twenty working days from receipt of all the required information listed above. Incomplete applications or applications missing crucial information will not be processed.

Complete applications are processed in the order we receive them, unless prior arrangements have been made.

Application for registration of an amusement device (PDF 55 KB)

3. Local Authority Permit to Operate

Every permit application must be made to the appropriate local authority at least 3 days before the applicant intends to use the amusement device and if the device is re-sited, then a new permit is required.

  • Book an amusement device inspection, and
  • Complete and provide an application for a permit to operate an amusement device to the appropriate Local Authority (Council).

Remember to include the current Certificate of Registration – specific to the device (see above); and the prescribed fee:

  • For 1 device, for the first 7 days of proposed operation or part thereof, $11.50
  • For each additional device operated by the same owner, for the first 7 days or part thereof, $2.30
  • For each device, $1.15 for each further period of 7 days or part thereof

The permit will only be issued when the local authority is satisfied that the device has current registration and can be operated on the proposed site, without danger to operators, users and others in the vicinity. A local authority may cancel a permit if, in its opinion, the device to which it relates cannot be operated safely.

Application for a permit to operate an amusement device (PDF 41 KB)

Always use an operator that can demonstrate that they have registered their device so it can then be permitted by the local authority as required.

What other obligations apply?

The owner has obligations to notify WorkSafe, by emailing or by post, in the following circumstances:

Change of ownership

Within one month of a charge in the ownership of an amusement device, the former owner shall notify WorkSafe of the name and address of the new owner.

Repairs or alterations

Where an amusement device is altered or repaired in line with s.21A(10) of the Machinery Act 1950, the owner shall notify WorkSafe by providing the completed form below:

Notice of repair or alteration to an amusement device (PDF 48 KB)

Accidents or incidents

Where an amusement device is involved in an accident, or an incident, in line with regulations 18, or 19, of the Amusement Devices Regulations 1978(external link), the owner shall notify WorkSafe by providing the completed form below:

Notification of accident or incident involving amusement device (PDF 40 KB)

The owner must also notify WorkSafe for any notifiable events under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

Notify WorkSafe