You may require a location compliance certificate if you have explosive, flammable, oxidising, toxic or corrosive substances and the quantity exceeds the thresholds specified in the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017.
For example, if you have:
- more than 100 kg of LPG or
- more than 50 litres of petrol or
- more than 250 litres of 60% nitric acid (in storage)
in a single location, you will need a location compliance certificate.
Do I need a location compliance certificate?
You should use the online calculator(external link) to check whether you need a location compliance certificate for your hazardous substances.
How do I get a location compliance certificate?
You must engage a compliance certifier to obtain the location compliance certificate. Search the compliance certifier register(external link) to find a compliance certifier who is authorised for locations and the hazardous classifications of your substances.
A location compliance certificate is issued for 1 year for explosive, flammable and oxidising substances. You can apply to WorkSafe to extend this to 3 years if you meet certain requirements.
A location compliance certificate is issued for up to 3 years if you have toxic and corrosive substances, or less than 300kg LPG.
Certification of locations holding toxic and corrosive substances
How to use the quantity-ratio sum (QRS) to work out whether a workplace requires a ‘hazardous substance location’ (HSL) or a location compliance certificate (LCC)
This guick guide provides guidance on how to calculate QRSs and worked examples for different classes of hazardous substances.
How to use the quantity-ratio sum (QRS)
Notification of new hazardous substance location
If you are commissioning a new hazardous substance location you must notify WorkSafe at least 30 working days before commissioning the hazardous substance location.
Our PDF version of this form is no longer available. Please use the following online notification form:
Notification of Commissioning of Hazardous Substance Location or Transit Depot
For LPG locations the time requirement is 5 working days prior to commissioning.
WorkSafe position: Clarification of regulation 11.33
Regulation 11.33 of the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 provides specific provisions for classes 3.1B and 3.1C flammable liquids in retail shops. This position statement clarifies how subclauses (1) and (2) of regulation 11.33 relate to each other.
Position statement - technical clarification of regulation 11.33
Last updated