WorkSafe has a range of actions planned in relation to work-related health and the areas which contribute the most to the burden of harm. Information about these planned actions is available here.

In fact, the burden on workers, their families and the wider economy from work-related ill-health far outweighs the burden from work-related injuries.

Over the last decade over 500 people died as a result of an injury at work. However, each year an estimated 750 to 900 people die as a result of work-related ill health.

WorkSafe’s Strategic Plan for Work-Related Health “Healthy Work” outlines our plan for a New Zealand where, ultimately, fewer people experience work-related ill-health. The plan explains the high-level direction and approach we will take, our activities and the outcomes needed by 2026 to achieve our vision: Everyone who goes to work comes home healthy and safe.

Our overview document provides a summary of our strategic aims, approach and the ten year strategic plan, including our outcomes for 2026.

Worksafe's strategic plan for work-related health 2016-2026 (PDF 7 MB)

WorkSafe’s planned activities

Each year we publish a summary of our planned activities for the coming year. 

In the coming years, WorkSafe has a range of actions planned in relation to work-related health and the areas which contribute the most to the burden of harm.

For 2021, WorkSafe’s planned activities are captured and published here for work-related health as a whole and each of the three focus areas in the following resources.

Work-related health:

WorkSafe sets out a vision for work-related health where the understanding of businesses is increased and all businesses have a built-in view of work-related health risks in their planning. WorkSafe will promote and share new practices and research and improve the regulatory framework for work-related health.

Improving Work-Related Health (PDF 345 KB)

Carcinogens and airborne risks:

WorkSafe will continue to leverage and build relationships with relevant industries. WorkSafe also plans to work with industries and occupations where understanding and controls may not be as robust as they could be, including small businesses.

Improving Work-Related Health: Carcinogens and Airborne Risks (PDF 64 KB)

Mentally Healthy Work:

WorkSafe is looking to improve understanding of the levels and challenges of work-related mental health and share this with New Zealand. Improving the competency and capacity of our inspectors when working with businesses to ensure improvements in mental health is another key focus.

Improving Work-Related Health: Mentally Healthy Work (PDF 58 KB)

Musculoskeletal disorders:

WorkSafe intends to develop guidance and work directly with businesses to identify and address musculoskeletal risks in the workplace. Defining musculoskeletal disorders and analysing data to understand harm within the New Zealand workforce and target specific industries is a focus of this work. 

Improving work-related health: musculoskeletal health risks (PDF 171 KB)

Read our previous year’s activities:

Healthy work – Year 3 2018-19 (PDF 49 KB)
Healthy work – Year 2 2017-18 (PDF 45 KB)
Healthy work – Year 1 2016-17 (PDF 41 KB)