Use this checklist if you need to investigate manual tasks in more detail.

It will help you to assess the range of contributing risk factors associated with musculoskeletal harm. These include biomechanical and physical, work organisation, environmental, psychosocial, and individual factors.

Contributing factors for musculoskeletal risks checklist (PDF 469 KB)

This checklist may be helpful if you have:

  • vulnerable workers
  • completed the New Zealand manual mandling assessment charts (NZMAC) or the HSE (UK) online MAC tool, the risk assessment of pushing and pulling (RAPP) tool, or the assessment of repetitive tasks (ART) tool and you want to look at some additional factors
  • tasks that are not covered by NZMAC, RAPP, or ART (for example, manual handling-while-seated, carrying on the shoulder, exposure to vibration, levering tasks).

Read more about the MAC, RAPP, and ART assessments

There are other assessment methods that focus on different risk factors and may provide you with more information and ideas for controls. You can also seek specialist advice from a qualified professional. One way to find them is to use the HASANZ Register(external link)