This report outlines the development process of the upper limb screening tool and the New Zealand assessment of repetitive tasks (NZART). It provides a record of the logic behind why specific changes to the HSE tools were made.

Development of an upper limb screening tool and the New Zealand assessment of repetitive tasks (NZART) (PDF 2.2 MB)

Executive summary

Background and purpose

There are currently no recommended methods to assess repetitive upper limb tasks in New Zealand, and generally there is a need to improve hazardous manual task risk management. The current, and only marginally relevant guidance, Code of practice for manual handling (Department of Labour et al., 2001), does not address repetitive upper limb activities, is over 20 years old, and needs updating.

Previous research reported that resources and tools are needed that help businesses, inspectors, and professionals from across the work health and safety disciplines to easily identify musculoskeletal risks and controls (WorkSafe New Zealand, 2024c, 2025a). This led to WorkSafe adopting the suite of tools from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), in the United Kingdom (UK). These tools were selected as they provide a comprehensive approach to address a range of risk factors associated with hazardous manual tasks, including activities where there is repetitive use of the upper limbs.

A staged approach was used to develop the initial set of hazardous manual tasks tools for use in Aotearoa New Zealand. The purpose of this report is to outline and record the development process undertaken at Stage 2 which saw the completion of the upper limb screening tool and a risk assessment tool, the ‘New Zealand assessment of repetitive tasks’ (NZART).

How we developed NZART

At Stage 1 we confirmed that the HSE tools could be adapted to make them relevant for New Zealand. In Stage 2 we developed an initial draft of the upper limb screening tool and NZART. These were reviewed internally before being designed. Due to time and budget restrictions, a simplified approach was taken, with no user trials occurring. The principles learnt during Stage 1 were applied and similar formatting and layout were used to ensure consistency across the Stage 2 upper limb tools.


The HSE’s Simple filter for identifying risks of upper limb disorders (ULDs) (Health and Safety Executive, 2002a) was adapted and became the New Zealand Upper limb screening tool (WorkSafe New Zealand, 2025c). This can be used to quickly screen a repetitive upper limb task to check if it is low risk or if a more detailed assessment is needed.

The New Zealand assessment of repetitive tasks (NZART) (WorkSafe New Zealand, 2025b) was developed from the HSE’s Assessment of repetitive tasks of the upper limbs (the ART tool) (Health and Safety Executive, 2010). The NZART assesses tasks where there are repetitive movements of the upper limbs, helping to identify common risk factors that contribute to discomfort, pain, or injury.


There was a clear need to provide New Zealand businesses, inspectors, and those working across the health and safety disciplines with up-to-date, quick and easy to use, but scientifically robust hazardous manual task risk assessment tools that address repetitive upper limb activities. Research showed that the HSE suite of tools from the UK would be the most suitable. The Stage 2 development process adapted the HSE repetitive upper limb tools and saw the development of New Zealand versions. These tools were aligned with the manual handling tools developed in Stage 1.


We recommend that the Upper limb screening tool and ‘NZART’ are used with other tools such as the Contributing factors for musculoskeletal risks checklist to address the wide range of work organisation and psychosocial risk factors. This will contribute towards a more comprehensive health risk management approach and should involve worker engagement and participation.

There is still much to be done to provide additional resources to assist businesses to better manage the musculoskeletal risks that workers are exposed to. The development of online tools, case studies, additional resources, and training are recommended. This work needs to be supported by an updated or new Code of practice for manual handling or hazardous manual tasks good practice guide or similar.