We aim to make it easy for businesses to do regular self-assessments of their health and safety environment to identify areas they can improve.

From April 2025 there will be a new way of doing a SafePlus self-assessment. The self-assessment tool in its current format is being retired. It is at the end of its life and would require significant resource to rebuild.

You can still run an assessment in the current SafePlus online tool until 11 April 2025.

Current SafePlus online tool(external link)

You can save copies of your previous survey data yourself or request to be sent an export file of your data until 12 June 2025 from the current SafePlus online tool. After 12 June 2025, the data will be destroyed in accordance with the Privacy Act.

For more information, see the SafePlus online tool(external link)

New SafePlus self-assessment resources coming in April

From April 2025 the online tool is being replaced with downloadable SafePlus questions – in multiple languages – that can be used much more flexibly as a paper-based survey or in any online survey tool (at the user’s cost). This means all data will remain with the business itself.

A business can use their workers’ responses to the questions to get a SafePlus rating of their health and safety maturity – developing, performing, or leading – in the three key areas of leadership, worker engagement, and risk management.

If their assessment identifies areas for improvement, they can use the guidance on our website to help them.

A to Z of topics and industries

The resources cater for small, medium and large organisations.

How to use the new SafePlus self-assessment resources

The self-assessment resources will be free to use. However, if a business chooses to use an online survey platform to run the survey, this is at their own cost.

The survey questions will be available to download on this webpage in two formats to provide more flexibility and encourage participation – you can use one or both:

  • Online survey – as a document file for upload to a commercial online survey tool of your choice (at user’s cost).
  • Offline survey – download a print-ready form for running paper-based surveys.

Survey questions

The questions are the same 32 core questions and 17 user-choice optional questions used in the current online tool. The questions were developed using the SafePlus framework and focus on three key areas of health and safety culture – leadership, worker engagement, and risk management.

Two role-related question versions will be available: the ‘Senior manager’ and ‘Employee’ question versions currently used in the SafePlus online tool. The ‘Senior manager’ version can be used with owners, directors, and senior managers, the ‘Employee’ version with all other workers.

Questions will use the same five-point agreement rating scale from the current online tool.

Optional questions will now include an N/A rating choice (‘not applicable to me’) in the ‘Employee’ version of the survey, so you can include risk-specific questions that only have relevance for parts of the business. N/A rating counts will be visible but will not contribute to average question scores.

Survey results

A downloadable results calculator will help you tally your survey results and get a health and safety maturity rating using the SafePlus framework. Businesses can compare this to their past and future surveys. This also provides ‘score gaps’ between your senior leaders’ and other workers’ answers.


WorkSafe will not have access to any user data. The questions and results calculator are downloadable files, which users will save in their own systems before use.

Language options

Survey questions will be available in 14 languages, to support worker participation:

  • English
  • Te reo Māori
  • 中文(简体 | Chinese (Simplified)
  • Vosa Vakaviti | Fijian
  • फीजी हिंदी | Fijian Hindi
  • Filipino
  • हिंदी | Hindi
  • Bahasa Indonesia | Indonesian
  • Te Taetae ni Kiribat | Kiribati
  • Pijin
  • Gagana Samoa | Samoan
  • Tok Pisin
  • Lea Faka-Tonga | Tongan
  • ‘Gana Tuvalu | Tuvaluan