Operators of designated upper tier major hazard facilities must establish and implement a Safety Management System (SMS). Operators of designated lower tier major hazard facilities must prepare a Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP) and implement it using a SMS.

We have produced guidance to help operators of major hazard facilities build an effective Safety Management System and operators of lower tier major hazard facilities prepare and implement a Major Accident Prevention Policy.

An SMS is a comprehensive system used by the operator to ensure safe operation of the major hazard facility.

A health and safety policy is the core of an SMS. It sets out a clear high-level statement detailing your explicit commitment to preventing incidents, and includes broad aims, and performance targets. It establishes the framework, contributing to a high-quality safety culture at your facility.

We have produced guidance to help operators of major hazard facilities build an effective SMS and operators of lower tier major hazard facilities prepare and implement a Major Accident Prevention Policy.

MHF: Major Accident Prevention Policy and Safety Management Systems (PDF 1.6 MB)

This guidance is one of a suite of major hazard facility guidance that includes information on emergency planning, Major Accident Prevention Policies and Safety Management Systems, notifications and designations, safety assessments and safety cases.