You can access our website and browse our site without having to disclose personal information. 

Information collection and purpose specification

We do collect some personal information that you may volunteer while using our website and its services. We collect or use personal information for the purpose(s) specified at collection.

Your personal information may be stored on behalf of WorkSafe by authorised third parties, subject to WorkSafe’s information security and privacy requirements. We do not disclose your personal information to other organisations outside WorkSafe, including to other government institutions and authorities.

If we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose(s), we will give you the opportunity to consent to that new purpose(s). 

Automatic collection of information

We do not use cookies to store personal information. However, we do use cookies for some of the features on this website including when you favourite a page or when completing the online Notifiable event form. You can access and use our website with cookies disabled in your browser settings. Use of our website is monitored using third-party analytics tools that use cookies.

If you visit this website, WorkSafe collects and stores the following data:

  • your service address (IP address)
  • your top-level domain name
  • the date and time of your visit to the site
  • the pages you accessed and the documents you downloaded
  • the type of browser you used. 

The data collected is used to create summary statistics which allow WorkSafe to assess the number of visitors to different sections of the website, identify what information is of most and least interest, monitor system performance, and help us improve the experience for our visitors. 


We have implemented security policies, rules and technical measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control from:

  • unauthorised access
  • improper use or disclosure
  • unauthorised modification
  • unlawful destruction or accidental loss. 

All our employees and data processors, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of personal data, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of our online visitors' personal data. 

Access to the personal data we may hold about you

For those who have supplied their personal contact information to order and receive publications or use other online services from within our organisation, you can submit personal information request 

Your information and the Official Information Act (OIA)

You should be aware that information you submit as part of official processes may be subject to an OIA request, and could be supplied to a requestor, with the redaction of any commercially sensitive details, or other details inappropriate for release, as guided by the Act. Official information means any information WorkSafe has created or holds, or which is held on our behalf by another person or organisation, and includes information submitted to us by our customers and clients.

The purpose of the Official Information Act (OIA) is to:

  • make official information more freely available
  • provide for proper access by each person to official information relating to that person
  • protect official information to the extent consistent with the public interest and the preservation of personal privacy
  • establish procedures for the achievement of those purposes.

Find out more about making a request for information under the Official Information Act(external link)

Privacy policy

WorkSafe is New Zealand’s health and safety regulator and the regulator for electricity and gas safety in the workplace and home.

In our role we work closely with employers, workers and others to educate them about their workplace health and safety responsibilities, engaging them in making changes that reduce the chances of harm, and enforcing the legislation for which we are responsible. To fulfil our role, we collect, hold and uses personal information.

WorkSafe is committed to ensuring that personal information is managed appropriately and we strive to uphold good practice privacy standards in the collection, storage and use of personal information.

Privacy policy (PDF 248 KB)