After working with industry, we’ve set a number of new restricted entry intervals (REIs) for pesticides. These will come into force on 10 June 2025 to give PCBUs and suppliers time to adapt to the new REIs.
REIs are the length of time people are not allowed in an area where a pesticide has been applied unless they are wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). This protects workers and others from being exposed to harmful levels of pesticides through contact with skin and inhalation. They are determined by the type of crop, the maturity of the crop, and the amount of contact a person may have with the foliage after pesticide application. For this reason, REIs for the same pesticide can differ between crops.
Alongside these new REIs, we have published a quick guide which outlines what a PCBU is required to do when using pesticides with REIs. This guide covers how to determine which PPE is appropriate for different activities, cleaning PPE, and signage.
Last updated
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