There are certain health and safety requirements for workplaces that all PCBUs must meet. We have produced interpretive guidelines and fact sheets to explain what each requirement may mean for your workplace, your work, your workers or others at your workplace.

Part 1

We have produced interpretive guidelines to explain what each requirement may mean for your workplace, your work, your workers or others at your workplace. The interpretive guidelines cover:

  • Workplaces and workplace facilities
  • Providing information, instruction, training and supervision for workers
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Monitoring worker exposure
  • Monitoring worker health
  • Workplace first aid
  • Workplace emergency plans
  • Young people at workplaces.

General risk and workplace management - part 1

Part 2

These interpretive guidelines (Part 2) cover the requirements under the Health and Safety at Work (General Risk and Workplace Management) Regulations 2016 (the GRWM Regulations) for:

  • remote or isolated work
  • atmospheres with the potential for fire or explosion
  • raised and falling objects
  • loose material in enclosed spaces
  • substances hazardous to health.

General risk and workplace management - part 2

Note: These requirements are from the Health and Safety at Work (General Risk and Workplace Management) Regulations 2016. Depending on your work, there may be other requirements that apply.

Additional guidance

WorkSafe has also produced specific guidance for the following requirements:

Workplaces and workplace facilities

Workplaces must be clean, healthy, safe, accessible and well maintained so work can be carried out without risks to worker health and safety.

This fact sheet outlines what a PCBU must consider when setting up and maintaining a workplace.

Workplaces and workplace facilities

Providing information, instruction, training and supervision for workers

PCBUs must provide workers and others with the information, training, instruction, or supervision they need to protect them from work health and safety risks.

This fact sheet describes what PCBUs should think about when deciding what information, training, instruction and supervision to provide.

Providing information, instruction, training and supervision for workers

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment (PPE) provides protection for workers when all other control measures can’t adequately eliminate or minimise risks to a worker’s health and safety.

These fact sheets and poster outline PCBU and worker PPE responsibilities.

Personal protective equipment - a guide for workers

Personal protective equipment - a guide for businesses

First aid at work

All workers must be provided with first aid facilities, equipment and access to first aiders.

This quick guide outlines what a PCBU must do to make sure workers have the right first aid resources for their workplace and workers.

First aid at work

This fact sheet briefly explains the PCBU requirements for first aid facilities and equipment, and first aiders.

First aid (PDF 48 KB)

Workplace emergency plans

An emergency plan is a written procedure telling people in the workplace what to do in an emergency.

This fact sheet tells a PCBU how to prepare and maintain an emergency plan for a workplace.

Workplace emergency plans

Young people in the workplace

Involving young people in the workplace is a great way to provide them with experience. However, there may be new or different risks that PCBUs need to manage.

This information sheet covers the work areas and types of work that young people must not be around or do, and outlines the work areas and work tasks that young people can be involved with.

Young people in the workplace