WorkSafe is seeking feedback on the proposal to revoke the approved code of practice (ACOP) for Safe Handling, Transportation and Erection of Precast Concrete (2002).

New guidance is needed:

  • to reflect the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA); and
  • to reflect current good practices for handling, transporting and erecting precast concrete elements in New Zealand workplaces.

WorkSafe is also consulting on the draft good practice guidelines (GPG) that may replace the ACOP. If you would like to comment on the draft GPG, please go to our webpage.

To comment on the proposal to revoke the ACOP, please download and complete the response form below.

How/where to send feedback

You can send your feedback to WorkSafe’s Guidance and Education Development team by email or by post.

Email: Guidance and Education Development
Subject line: Feedback on Precast Concrete ACOP revocation

Feedback on Precast Concrete ACOP revocation 
WorkSafe New Zealand
PO Box 165
Attention: Guidance and Education Development team

Deadline for feedback

Consultation closes 5pm on Friday, 8 December 2017.

Official Information Act

WorkSafe is subject to the Official Information Act 1982, which means that your submission may be made available to those seeking information under that Act.