WorkSafe New Zealand consulted on a proposed safe work instrument (SWI) for burners.

WorkSafe New Zealand consulted on a proposed safe work instrument (SWI) that would set requirements for burners by specifying five standards. This would enable WorkSafe to approve types of burners that comply with those standards.

We invited feedback on the proposed requirements, to help determine whether the proposed standards are appropriate for burners. 

The deadline for receiving submissions was 5pm on Friday 20 September 2024. 

Now the consultation has closed, we will consider the feedback, and finalise the SWI. We will publish on WorkSafe’s website a summary of the submissions we received and any changes made to the proposed SWI.

We will present the final SWI to the Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety for consideration. If the Minister approves the SWI, we will publish the SWI on WorkSafe’s website.