Submissions closed

About the consultations

WorkSafe New Zealand consulted on proposed restricted entry intervals (REIs) for pesticides and a supporting quick guide.

A restricted entry interval is the period of time, after a pesticide has been applied to an area, during which residues of the pesticide are likely to be present and could affect the health of workers re-entering the area. WorkSafe proposed updated restricted entry intervals to protect workers.

A quick guide has been developed to help persons conducting a business or undertaking manage restricted entry intervals.

Your submissions will help us determine the restricted entry intervals and ensure the proposed quick guide is fit for purpose.

Summary of submissions

In March 2022, WorkSafe consulted on a proposal to set a number of REIs for pesticides. WorkSafe received 32 submissions on the proposal.

Summary of submissions: 2022 REI consultation (PDF 334 KB)

Deadline for submissions

The deadline for submissions for both was 5pm on 20 September 2024.


Submissions may be made publicly available under the Official Information Act 1982.

If you are making a submission as an individual and do not want your personal information to be made publicly available, please let us know in your submission. We will then consider removing your personal information prior to any release.